Picking up, what the dogs put down.

Pet Odor Control


Pet friendly and pet safe enzymes are used to break down the smell and eliminate the odor. Applying this enzyme 3 times a week will help high traffic pee areas. High traffic areas can yield pretty strong odors, if left untreated. Besides the odor there is a potential to transfer bacteria with multiple dogs using the same area to go potty.


Turd Control

Unfortunately pet waste doesn’t work as a natural fertilizer or manure for the lawn. This means it has be scooped up and taken away. Not only does it not make the best lawn ornament but it can transfer diseases or bacteria from dog to dog. We scoop it up and take it away so it doesn’t get in the way.


Cleaning and Disinfection

As we move from place to place we always clean and disinfect the tools we use. This helps to eliminate any cross contamination or spreading of bacteria from dog to dog. We even go as far as spraying the sides and bottoms of our shoes since we do walk where we work and spray.




(480) 586-8597
